PVASS is proud to be able to offer our members exclusive access to event recordings, academic resources and discounted educational products. Please ensure that you have signed up via our membership form, found here. After signing up to become a member, you will receive an email with your password to access the portal. Please contact us if you have any difficulty gaining access or have not received your password.


The PVASS Support and Advice Space (SAS) endeavours to provide a safe forum where doctors in training can seek support and advice specific to pursuing surgery as a specialty. This group is part of our commitment towards junior doctors in training (DiTs) across Australasia by helping them connect with like-minded colleagues whilst on their journey towards RACS Surgical Education and Training (SET). Join the group here.


Collaborative research in the field of surgery is constantly growing as clinicians and researchers alike recognise the value in large study samples across diverse populations. Across the Australasia region there are a number of collaborative research networks for medical students to surgical trainees.

The Clinical Trials Network Australia and New Zealand (CTANZ) provides a platform for surgical Trainees, Junior Doctors and medical students to carry out high quality surgical research and trials to enhance patient care. Learn more about CTANZ and find out how you can join help change and improve surgical care here.